HaulGauge Mobile Tongue Weight & Payload Scale
Part Number: HG103
Part Number: HG103
At HaulGauge, their mission is to provide a measurement for evey towing situation. HaulGauge works with vehicles 1996 and newer.
- Detects tongue weight, payload, pin weight, weight distribution weight and trailer brake gain. A real measure-it-all!
- Quick Start & setup, just plug the HaulGauge into the port under the dash and launch the app on your phone! App available on iOS & Android and is Updated every two weeks.
How it works
Weight = Force/Acceleration
Force: Torque converter slip is used to calculate drive force as the vehicle takes off. A calibration unique to the powertrain is selected using the VIN
Acceleration: An accelerometer on-board Haul Gauge detects how quickly the vehicle takes off .
Tongue Weight, Payload, Pin Weight
The accelerometer on-board HaulGauge detects changes in the vehicle pitch. The VIN is used to select a pre-calibrated suspension map.