Dexter Tandem Axle Heavy Duty Spring Suspension Kit for Common 1-3/4" Double Eye Leaf Springs
This could be the LAST TIME you every replace your suspension on your trailer!
Part Number: K71-449-00
This Kit contains:
- 2 X HD Dexter Equalizers 7-3/4" Eye to Eye, Bronze Bushings Included, GREASABLE PIVOTS! (part# 013-133-04)
- 4 X Shackle Straps w/Wet Bolts Pressed In, Zinc plates, 1/2" Thick (part# 018-026-05)
- 4 X Shackle Links (part# 018-024-01)
- 4 X Wet Bolts (part# 007-187-010)
- 2 X Dry Bolts (part# 007-126-01)
- 8 X Bronze Bushings (part# 014-077-00)
- 14 X Flange Lock Nuts (part# 006-092-01)
- 1 X Instructional Sheet (part# 059-547-00)
- Works with Standard 1-3/4" wide double-eye leaf springs (not included)
- Comes with all common "Wear items" that wear down on your trailer
- Works for 1-3/4" double-eye leaf springs
- Equalizer dimensions: 7-3/4" eye to eye length, 2-7/8" "Lift"
height, 9/16" bronze bushing pressed in - Shackle strap dimensions: 3-3/4"L x 1-1/2"W x 1/2 thick, 9/16" holes
- Wet/Dry bolts measures are the same: 2-13/16" Shaft, 9/16" OD
- Bushing dimensions: 1-3/4" length, 9/16" diameter
- Lock nut dimensions: 7/16" - 20, Zinc
- Uses "Shoulder bolts" for perfect suspension "play" between spring and plates.